Citrulline Malate Pure Kyowa Quality® 250 g
Kyowa Quality® certified citrulline malatesupplement to enhance your performance! VEGAN, GLUTEN-FREE and lactose-free
Mushroom, vitamin C and Careflow® formula for metabolism and mental and physical well-being.
Tsunami Nutrition 's Power TakePure Professional is a capsule dietary supplement formulated in collaboration with Dr. Alessandro Gelli with Shitake, Maitake, Hericium erinaceus and Reishi mushrooms that support the body's natural defenses and vitamin C that contributes to normal immune system function. It also contains Cordyceps sinensis, which has a tonic and metabolic-supporting action.
Fungi have always been mysterious organisms that have interested cultures and traditional medicines around the world for centuries. They are very complex organisms, and we know that up to 140,000 species exist on our planet, although the scientific community is only familiar with 10 percent of this total.
Modern science has only recently approached these organisms in comparison to older traditional medicines, such as Chinese medicine; even the ancient Egyptians recognized in mushrooms distinct beneficial properties on life expectancy as well as their vitalizing power.
Tsunami Nutrition 'sPower Take Pure Professional harnesses the knowledge and power of 5 different types of mushrooms, bringing them together in one product by harnessing the resulting synergistic effect, forming a perfect mix to support:
Power Take Pure Professional is a certified VEGAN, GLUTEN-FREE, and lactose-free product.
Tsunami Nutrition's Research & Development department created a mix to arrive at a product that, by harnessing all the power of mushrooms that research has made available to us from a health and wellness perspective, would offer specific multifactorial benefits.
Power Take Pure Professional is also designed for all those sportsmen and women who need to keep their concentration and attention levels high, but also need complete recovery support that starts from the hormonal system and goes all the way to the immune system via the psychophysical system, as in combat sports and motorsports.
A good product for the athlete and sportsman, but also for students or workers who are particularly affected by the concentration deficit or stress during periods that require particular commitment, but also for those who want to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating benefits of mushrooms.
Now, let's look at these important ingredients individually and in detail:
Commonly known under the names Yamabushitake and Lion's mane, this is a widely studied mushroom used in Chinese and Japanese culinary and phytotherapeutic cultures.
This particular type of mushroom was found to be able to increase, following a certain amount of daily intake, the expression of Mrna that encode the formation of NGF(nerve growth factor); from the neuronal point of view, on the other hand, it appears to promote the propagation of neuronal signals and support the formation of myelin sheaths.
One study subjected several subjects with cognitive decline to 3 g of lion's mane daily, showing a significant improvement in cognitive abilities, which was also confirmed by the subsequent loss and retrogression of the ameliorative effects following discontinuation for 4 weeks of its intake.
Another interacting ability that LION'S MANE has is with peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha), which is normally activated when one is in a state of energy deficit such as in prolonged ketogenic or fasting phase, as circulating free fatty acids are responsible for the activation of ppar alpha, it can in a sense be said that lion's mane mimics the effects of a caloric deficit, thus triggering and promoting as a consequence, an easier release of triglycerides from adipose tissue and glycogenolytic processes at the hepatic level.
It also acts at the level of macrophages, our body's primary defense cells, it behaves as an inhibitor of the formation of proinflammatory cytokines and reduces, in macrophages, the ability to reabsorb low-density protein (ldl)-coupled cholesterol, also inhibiting atherosclerotic processes.
Another well-known mushroom used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine, with anti-aging and invigorating abilities, also widely used to treat sexual dysfunction and infertility in men due to the presence of cordycepin, an analogue and with similar structure of the nucleotide adenosine, which acts on several fronts, namely as a bronchodilator and as a regulator of luteinizing hormone (LH).
At the sports level, this mushroom has been shown to be useful in promoting tissue oxygenation through relaxation of the bronchial musculature and vessel wall, slowing heart rate resulting in increased blood flow at the cardiac muscle level and an ability therefore to positively influence VO2max, making cordyceps, for several years, the mushroom of sportsmen.
This very special mushroom also possesses an antioxidant action due to its bioactive polysaccharide content, but its most important scenario of action is the ability of its active components such as CORDYCEPINE to increase testosterone production by acting through the reduction of inhibition of luneitizing hormone (lh) directly responsible for increasing or maintaining testosterone levels.
One of the three mushrooms that along with maitake and reishi are among the most studied in mycotherapy for their special anti-cancer potential. Shitake is the main enemy of many bacterial and viral agents that our body comes in contact with, as it is rich in LENTINAN acts as an activator of our natural defenses attributable to white blood cells.
Maitake, also known under the name hen of the woods or dancing mushroom, because of its peculiar conformation of the overlapping fruiting bodies that resembles a swarm of butterflies dancing around the stem, or from another point of view resembles feathers of a squatting hen.
This mushroom also possesses the ability to act as an insulin sensitizer and glycemic stabilizer in addition to reducing cholesterol formation. In fact, from in vitro studies it is able to inhibit the transformation of c3h10t1b cells (synthetic cells that replicate the evolution of adipose cells) into mature adipocytes, showing itself to be a valuable ally for body composition and body weight control as well.
Scientists at Valhalla New York Medical Center's Department of Urology also found that treatment in combination with vitamin C appears to accentuate the antioxidant effect of this mushroom, regardless of even its known antioxidant power, was included in completion in the Power Take Pure stack.
Reishi, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is one of the most famous mushroom species and also known as the ''mushroom of immortality'' in traditional Chinese medicine. It is widely cultivated in Asia (China and Japan) although the Japanese population was the first to plunge into extensive cultivation in the 1970s.
Its active ingredients are:
Like all other mushrooms, it has marked immunostimulant, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties.
Rounding out the formula are other active ingredients, among which it is important to include CAREFLOW®, a state-of-the-art natural-based patent with powerful anti-aging activities.
This patented ingredient is obtained from a particular mango pulp, the ''kili mookku,'' which is grown in a southern region of India called Tamil Nadu. This particular quality of mango is harvested at an early ripening stage, which alone allows it to have a high specific content of active phytoconstituents, viz:
Standardized and patented, CAREFLOW® is a product obtained through precise procedures that can guarantee a high and precise percentage of phytoconstituents.
Careflow® represents a valuable ally in the control of blood pressure and in the fight against free radicals, prime culprits of oxidative stress and consequent premature cellular aging; it activates the endothelial enzyme nitric oxide synthase (and NOS), releasing nitric oxide and thus acting on vasodilation, improving blood transport to peripheral tissues, supporting oxygen supply, which is essential especially during sports activity.
The addition of this specific trademark makes the target audience of this new Tsunami stack even more multifaceted and original, which, let us recall in brief, includes:
Given the particularity of this stack, it is recommended to be taken for all athletes, especially for those types of sports that require skills such as concentration and coordination, but it is recommended to be used regardless for all students or workers who need a support product during particularly mentally taxing periods.
Tsunami Nutrition'sPower Take Pure Professional, moreover, is a product that can effectively counter chronic fatigue.
Recalling the health-promoting power of mushrooms, specifically these 5 species, this product is recommended for anyone who wants to support and safeguard their long-term health, especially the elderly and those with cardiovascular issues.
It is recommended to take 4 capsules daily, with water.
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