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Rice Flour

Rice flour is a food made through the processing of rice grains and is softer, finer, and easier to digest because it is gluten-free used for making bread, pasta, and cakes. It is also an excellent thickener for use in making some recipes, especially sauces.

This food is a source of starch, that is, complex carbohydrates, slow-release glucose and low glycemic index that can provide an immediate source of energy and also a flour that contains very little fat, which makes it suitable to be used as an ingredient to make several fit recipes to enjoy even if you are on a weight-loss diet.

Rice meal 1 kg
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  • Lactose-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
TN Food

Rice meal 1 kg

Flavored rice flour in various flavors to make FIT recipes! VEGAN, GLUTEN-FREE (with the exception of black cookies, duplociock and white chocolate & black cookies flavors) and lactose-free (except Salted Caramel, Stracciatella, duplociock and Milk & Cookies)!

€17.38 €13.90